
Monday, 22 October 2012

Improve Your Memory

Everyone wants to have a good memory, but most people do not know how to achieve it.  A good memory will help improve your status in life.  It will come in handy both in your personal life and in your business dealings.  Do you know that most successful people are the ones who can easily remember things like names, phone numbers, events easily?  There are some practices through which anyone can gain the ability to memorize a tremendous amount of information.  Following are some steps which I have personally followed to improve my memory and believe me they have really worked.

Believe in Yourself

The first thing you should do is believe in yourself that you do have a good memory and that it will improve gradually.  Many people think that they do have a bad memory that they cannot remember names, they forget things easily, they compare themselves with those who have good memory and do academically well, etc., etc.  You need to eliminate those thoughts and vow to improve your memory.  At the beginning, it is hard to keep motivated but do not let yourself down and always believe in yourself as it is the foundation of self-confidence.

Always Keep Your Brain Active

But how to keep the brain active?  Well, you do not have to join a classroom for that.  Just try Sudoku puzzles, crossword puzzles, read books and articles that interest you, write about your childhood or anything that you can think of.  Brain games and mental activities can keep your brain young and active and improve its physiological functioning and help you improve memory.

Try to Exercise Daily

Regular physical exercise improves blood circulation throughout the body, including the brain.  If you exercise regularly, there is a good chance that you are helping to boost your immune system and can thereby improve your memory.  Always remember - a healthy mind dwells in a healthy body – so, never neglect to do physical exercises regularly.

Eat Good and Eat Right

If you are trying to improve your memory, then eat the proper memory enhancing foods.  Foods that contain antioxidants are good for your brain, such as broccoli, red kidney beans, blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, red grapes and garlic.  Antioxidants help the flow of oxygen to the brain.  You also need to check your eating habits.  Make sure you do not eat large portions at one go, instead try to frequently eat several small meals a day.  Studies have shown that eating less actually makes the brain young and active even in old age.

Sleep Well

Getting a consistent seven to eight hours of sleep each night will increase your memory.  On the other hand, erratic sleeping habits will interfere with your internal biological clock and as a result you would not awaken feeling refreshed in the morning and it can hamper your memory also.  If you want to improve your memory, you need to sleep better.

Focus Well

Focus your attention on the materials you are studying.  Attention is one of the major components of memory.  The brain cannot store information if you are not giving proper attention to the subject.  Try to study in a place free of distractions such as television, music, and other diversions.

Try to Repeat Things

Repetition literally means retention.  After learning a new word, try repeating it out loud three to four times.  Likewise, after you meet someone new, try using his or her name as many times as possible immediately after the introduction.  Repeating a word or a name will help you to remember it.

Meditate Regularly

Meditation can increase blood flow in the brain and improve memory.  It also reduces stress.  If you want your memory to work the best it can, then reducing the stress through meditation will help.

Concentrate on a Flame

One of the most effective ways to improve your concentration is to sit in front of a candle in a moderately dark room and concentrate on the flame for five to ten minutes.  It will definitely increase your powers of concentration considerably.

Enjoy Life

Stress relieving and engaging in fun activities are needed by the brain.  Doing fun activities increases the chemicals that protect the brain from diseases and thereby can improve your memory.  You will enjoy every little thing if you are in a good mood.  Keep away from things that make you unhappy or cause you to have a low mood.  Always be positive and try to be in a happy and cheerful mood.